It was at the age of 10 that God revealed to me that I was a sinner in need of grace. My father had repented of his sins about six months before and I had seen a radical change in his life. I had seen firsthand what the power of the gospel can do. My youth years were pretty good and I was blessed to have a good youth pastor who challenged me in my walk with the Lord. After high school I was unsure of what the Lord would have me do. I struggled for a time unsure of what I was to do, however the Lord in His grace got my attention in February of 1990. I was at youth weekend called Youth Quake at Breircrest Bible College. It was then that I realized the brevity of life and the importance of giving my whole life to the Lord fully. It was there that the Lord called me into the ministry. That next fall I attended Briercrest Bible College and I graduated with a BA in Christian Education in 1994.
In January 1995 I was hired as a part-time youth pastor in Unity, SK. I had a rich time at Unity Baptist Church. I am still in touch with many of the youth from that time of ministry. Before I left the church for the mission field I also had 14 months where I was the interim pastor as the church sought a replacement for the senior pastor. I learned a lot in that time and really grew in my walk with the Lord as I understood that God wants our availability not necessarily our ability. I am very thankful for the things I learned there.
From 1998-2000 I served with Teen Missions International. While serving with Teen Missions I had the opportunity to do ministry on 4 different continents. I witnessed many teens discover that God can use them now. They don’t need to wait until they are 18 in order for them to serve the Lord. It was a great privilege to serve with TMI. I spent the largest amount of time in Africa where I served for almost a year out of my 3 years there.
In the spring of 2001 I married my beautiful wife Heather. The original plan was to stay out of full time ministry for a year, but the Lord had other plans. I took a part-time youth ministry position at Grace Baptist Church in the fall of 2001. This began a time of ministry where I served with Grace from 2001-2005. I directed the summer camp program for the first two years and was hired into a full time associate pastor position. We are very thankful for our time at Grace and all that the Lord taught us. We were blessed to have our two little girls while we were there. Hope was born in 2002 and Gabriella in 2004.
In January of 2006 we moved to Los Angeles, CA and I began to pursue my Masters of Divinity at the Masters Seminary. This was a rich time for our family. We attended Grace Community Church where John MacArthur is the pastor. It was great to sit under his preaching each Sunday. I learned a lot from the professors at the Masters Seminary and I am very blessed to have studied under their teaching. I graduated in the spring of 2009.
I was also accepted into the Training Center with Harvest Bible Fellowship in the spring of 2009. I then attended the Training Center from August 2009-May 2010. In May of 2010 we moved to Calgary to get ready for the launch of Harvest Calgary. By God’s amazing grace we launched in September 2010.
This is my testimony to date. I often think of King David’s words, “Then King David went in and sat before the Lord and said, “Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my house, that you have brought me thus far?” God is good!